FriYAY Friends :: Georgia Celebrates Quilts
The show floor. I looooove the light curtains!
Happy FriYAY Night, y'all!!
I was out "partying hard" last night (actuality: attending a local artist's open house with a friend then going out for a late beer and good conversation with the same friend), so I didn't get this put together, and then Squarespace had a login glitch today that delayed me again. Oh well, it just means y'all will have pretty quilt pictures to look at this weekend instead of today, right? In other news, we had super yummy homemade pizza for dinner tonight followed by a goofy family dance party which totally made my day. THEN, when I finally went for my evening run about 8:45, I ran the WHOLE THING. I've been running for a couple months now, and usually do about 2.5 miles 5-6 times per week (and sometimes sub in a 4 mile route), but today was the first time I didn't take any walking breaks. YAY!
The 2017 Raffle Quilt, "Coming Home," that was made by more than 40 guild members
Okay, on to the star of this blog post: The East Cobb Quilter's Guild Georgia Celebrates Quilts Show! YAY! Two of the major players in this show were my friends Lynn and Andi, so I've been hearing about this show for months and month. Andi strongly encouraged me to enter quilts, too, so I also had two quilts hanging in the show. Before we get to the best part (quilt pictures), here's a little background on the East Cobb Quilters' Guild from their website:
"East Cobb Quilters’ Guild was formed in 1982 by a group of thirty quilters in Marietta, Georgia whose vision was to promote and perpetuate the art of quilting. Since that time, the Guild has grown to nearly 300 members, fostered the development of many nationally- and internationally-known quilt artists and businesses, produced the state’s largest judged and juried quilt show, Georgia Celebrates Quilts®, and enriched the lives of the thousands of quilters who have enjoyed the inspiration, knowledge and friendship that Guild membership provides. From the start, the Guild has relied on the volunteer time of dedicated members. Many important tasks are needed to keep things running smoothly – membership records, newsletters, programs and speakers, and more. Leading the way have been our Presidents. We would not be who we are today without their dedication, vision, and hard work."
Now, the eye candy! The quilt on the left is "Georgia" which I made for Quilts for Cure as part of the E Pluribus Unum Project. The quilt on the right is Murmuration 2.0, one of my Modern Impressionist Quilts. Both quilts are my original designs. As I mentioned, this was my first show, and it was a wonderful experience! I'm thankful for both the encouragement and the suggestions I received as part of the process!
Lynn, Andi, and everyone else who worked so hard to make Georgia Celebrates Quilts 2017 happen-- thank you!! It was an honor to be part of the show!!